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Super Spice Ginger

Ginger: This super spice ginger can be found all around the world. Asians and Indians used ginger as a part of daily life. Ginger can be found in many different forms; fresh whole ginger root, minced in water and lemon juice, ground or powdered.

Health Benefits:

  1. Dizziness, vomiting and nausea – hot cup of ginger tea
  2. Protection against colorectal cancer – daily usage
  3. Immune system boost – daily usage
  4. Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis pain relief – anti-inflammatory properties with daily usage
  5. Stomach ache – hot cup of ginger tea
  6. Throat and nose congestion – hot cup of ginger tea to soothe the throat
  7. Open appetite – eat fresh ginger before meal to stir up the digestive juices

Cooking: Ginger can be cooked with rice to produce a pleasant aroma in the kitchen. Add ginger to meat and stews to add a burst of flavor and slight spicy without the burn.

Drink: Ginger can be used in hot or cold drinks. Add grated fresh ginger to a hot cup of water to make ginger tea. Add ginger to your favorite fruit juices for a bursting flavor. Sprinkle ground ginger in your hot chocolate or coffee.

Desert: Add grated or ground ginger to your cakes. Sprinkle powered ginger to your favorite sorbet.

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